
Martin Klebba

______Martin Klebba_______ Sorry Martin Klebba....I can´t show a picture of you because I refuse to be a slave of the copyrigts companies....Maybe later I make it better with you when my Tattoo project will be succesful. last I found a copyright-free photo yours in the internet...from Flickr. Thanks Flickr.! (Photo: free picture Flickr) An open letter to Martin Klebba: “Hello Martin Klebba… are you doing.? On the 25th of january 2019…..I wrote an article about the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. See the article “Adios Pirates of the Caribbean…...Hello Johnny Depp” in my Blogger   (before First Tattoo Donations)  But since Johnny Depp is so busy with his band the Hollywood Vampires…... …..I wonder if there will a next Pirates of the Caribbean.    (Photo: free picture Flickr) But don't worry…..(No te preocupes) ….the future Vrouwengek movie will be as adventurous as the Pirates of the Caribbean. Or even more adventurous.!  (P...

Kylie Minogue

 _____Kylie Minogue_____ (Photo: free picture Flickr) Kylie Minogue is an Australian singer and is the highest-selling Australian artist all time. She comes from Melbourne and is also a fashion icon. Kylie has at least 2 tattoos.....1 on her left second toe....and 1 on her lower back.So I´m going to her in an open letter if she is interested to donate one of her famous tattoos to charity....or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation. Open letter to Kylie Minogue..... "Hello Kylie are you doing...?  I´ve read on the internet that you have some tattoos.     Since I´ve invented the first Tattoo Donor Card in the world it is possible to do something very special with your tattoos. Could you be please so nice to read my article " Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" In the Blogger   (before First Tattoo Donations).... Tattoo Donor is not interested in money or fame. All the proceeds go to charity.  All proceeds...!!!  To th...

Emma Watson

 ________Emma Watson ________ (Photo: free picture HD Wallpaper) Wether Emma Watson's new Tattoo is real or not.....? Anyhow Emma has been spotted at the Vanity Fair Oscar with a Tattoo on her arm with arm with the words "Times Up". But the fans of her missed an apostrofe.  (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) The Tattoo is about the Times Up movement which seeks to end sexual harassment in the movie city Hollywood.  The campaign of the Time's Up is described as " unified cal for change from women in entertainment for women everywhere". (Photo: free picture HD Wallpaper) Emma Watson is best known for her role in the Harry Potter movies....but personally i like "The Beauty and the Beast" movie. (Photo: free picture Flickr) Conerning her Tattoo.....Emma has showed the world that a Tattoo nowadays is quiete a hype. And now she has experienced the feeling to draw the attention to the public with a Tattoo...I wouldn't be surprised when more Tatto...

Lana Del Rey

_______Lana Del Rey_______ (Photo: free picture Flickr) An open letter to Lana del Rey: “Hello Lana del Rey…….I've seen on the internet that you have a lot of tattoos. I'm working on a Tattoo-project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs ”……. could you …...please… the article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"...... in the Blogger: (before First Tattoo Donations) Everyday still people die in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ. In the WHOLE WORLD there is a lack of donor organs.  (Foto: gratis foto Wallpaper Flare) But the problem is that there are not enough donor organs. With the new future foundation we can solve this lack of donor organs in one blow….. The main goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to grow new skin at large scale for people with burns.... (Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons) Thank you so much for your precious time….I hope to speak you soon…...Martin Cuijpers.” link - Lana Del Rey - Born To Die (Offic...

Penelope Cruz

______Penelope Cruz_____ (Photo: Wikimedia Commons) An open letter to Penelope Cruz: “Hello Penelope Cruz……..your statement that tattoos ……(like 883)....are a personal thing, is true. Very personal.! When I publish a tattoo of a girlfriend….that is equivalent as showing her phone number. So you won't find tattoos of my darlings in my book ******** But you can see loads of Tattoos in my UNIQUE Tattoo-project : “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs " the Blogger (before First Tattoo Donations)  As the many reasons to consider to take a Tattoo … there are plenty of things to do with your Tattoos: 1. You can show them to the public; (Photo: free picture Daily Mail Online) 2. You can hide it and show it only to your own special “Love” (Photo: free picture Flickr) ....and last but not least: 3. You can donate your Tattoo to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.  Worldwide people still die in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ. (Photo: free picture PxHer...