Ed Sheeran

________Ed Sheeran________

(Photo: nation.cymru)

Tijdens mijn zoeken naar de perfecte vrouw kom ik iedere keer de song Perfect van Ed Sheeran tegen.

Link -  Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Official Music Video) - https://youtu.be/2Vv-BfVoq4g

Ik denk, dat Ed Sheeran een van de weinige personen is, die op een “perfect” -manier zijn gevoelens voor het vrouwelijk geslacht kan bezingen. Daarom de volgende oproep:

“Hello Ed Sheeran…...You are a trend-setter with your music and your tattoos. Therefore I want to ask you a favour;  “I know that you don't have much time…..but nevertheless,.... please….please…..could you read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs ” in the Blogger tattoodonor.com
(before First  Tattoo Donations)

There is still a lack of donor organs worldwide.!  And the main goal of the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is to grow new skin for people with burns....at large scale.

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

And when I say at large scale...then I mean at large scale.   And not only for the rich western countries...but all over the world....

(Foto: gratis foto Pixabay)

I hope that you will consider to donate one of your worldwide-famous-tattoos to the future Foundation “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"

(Photo: Flickr)

Thank you so much for a few minutes of your precious time,......Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor) ”

Link - Ed Sheeran - Perfect (Official Music Video) - https://youtu.be/2Vv-BfVoq4g

Ik denk, dat ik gerust mag stellen...dat Ed Sheeran een “vrouwengek" is in de zin van het boek Vrouwengek.....

(Photo: thehuronemery.com)

Wordt vervolgd……..

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Ed Sheeran is a Brittish singer/ songwriter who is born in Halifax...and is the son from Irish/Brittish parents.
His latestt song is....

Link - Ed Sheeran - Eyes Closed (Official Video) - https://youtu.be/u6wOyMUs74I

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

(First time published 7-2-2019)
By the way...my new email adress is  tattoodonor@gmail.com 


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