Cheryl Crow

_______Cheryl Crow_______


Link - Cheryl Crowe - Soak Up The Sun -

An open letter to Sheryl Crow:

“Hello Sheryl Crow…..I have a question…...these tattoos on your arms are real…….or fake?

I'm looking for tattoos from famous people on the internet and ask them if they want to read my article about Tattoos "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"... 
In the Blogger: ……
And concider if they are willing to donate one of their famous Tattoos to charity.

Worldwide there is a lack of donor organs for transplantations and every day die people, that could have been saved with a donor organ.

By founding the Tattoo Donor Foundation I want to help in de future all patients that are waiting for donor organs.

Thank you for your time and hope to speak you soon……..Martin Cuijpers  (Tattoo Donor) .”

To be continued………

(Photo: free picture

In 2024 Cheryl Crowe is to perfomance on the concert podium Starlite in Marbella. 
To be exactly...on the 21th of June....

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)

Starlite is THE podium for famous artists....

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)

(First time published 25-3-2019)


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