Madame Buraka

______Madame Buraka______

(Photo: Pixabay)

An open letter to Madame Baruka:

“Bonjour Madame Buraka…….je regrette, mais mon francais est très mauvais…..(Like my english)

I have seen on the internet that you have made the tattoo with the name “Rose Of My Life” for Dua Lipa and with the number 95 of her birthday in 1995.

Could you…..please…….read my article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” in the Blogger: ….?

(before First Tattoo Donations) 

And my article “De Nieuwe Verslaving”.

Worldwide people die everyday that are waiting for a donor organ…...but the problem is, that there are not enough donor organs.

With the future foundation the donor-problem will be solved in one strike.!........For ever.!

Thank you so much for your time……..I hope to speak to you soon……..
Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor ”

The tattoos from Madame Buraka are the modern response on the dull oldfashioned tattoos from the last century.

First time publisched 28-8-2020

To be continued……..
By the new email adress is 


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