Alicia Keys

______Alicia Keys______

(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)

An open letter to Alicia Keys:
“Hello Alicia Keys… are you doing.?......I have a question… see on the internet so many fake tattoos…..are yours real?
It's not of my business…...but I'm working on a charity-project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs” …..….
Could you...please…. read about this Tattoo-project in my Blogger: 

(before First Tattoo Donations)
Everyday people still are dying in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ.
But the problem is: there are not enough donor organs.
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved in one strike.
Normally I'm not in a hurry in my life, but now I am.!
I have even designed a T-shirt to start the Foundation quickly………..
Do you like it…..?

Thank you for your precious time…….I hope to speak you soon….Martin Cuijpers 
(Tattoo Donor)”

link - Alicia Keys - New York / ORIGINAL Music Video -

To be continued……..I hope……

(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)
(First time published 20-6-2019) 
By the new email adress is 


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