

(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)

An open letter to Shakira:
“Hello Shakira… are you doing…? On the internet you can find a lot of photos of you with tattoos… But I think that are tattoos temporal …
Since I'm working on a Tattoo-project that is called “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs" ……...could you…. please… my article in my Blogger:  ………?

( before First Tattoo Donations) 
Everyday people are dying in hospitals while waiting for a donor organ.

link - Jennefer kreeg een donorhart -

But the problem is that there are simply not enough donor organs.

(Photo: free picture Pxfuel)

With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem will be solved for ever…..FOR EVER..!!
In this article I have experienced that there are a lot of questions about how the project works…...Please… free to ask me questions. The more questions…….the better.!
Thank you for your precious time……..I hope to speak you soon…….Martin Cuijpers.... 
(Tattoo Donor).”

I hope that you are open minded like on this photo…...
I know that I use most of the time the wrong words……..I don't care…...I keep going on till the future Tattoo Donor Foundation is a fact. 

Link - Shakira - Ciega, Sordomuda (Official Video) -

To be continued……...I hope…..

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(First time published 18-6-2019)

(Photo: free picture Flickr)


(Photo: free picture Flickr)
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