Sandra Bullock

______Sandra Bullock_______

(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)

An open letter to Sandra Bullock:
“Hi ….Sandra Bullock….you say on TV that your Tattoo is very personal. Good for you.!
People have to realise that the owner of the Tattoo can decide what he (or she) does with the ink-decoration on their body.
Show the Tattoo…..or keep it hidden.!

link - Sandra Bullock Talking About Her Tattoo -

But now you have the possibility to do something special with your tattoo for charity.
Since I'm working on a UNIQUE Tattoo project…..I want to ask you, could you… the article “Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs“.... in my Blogger …….?

(before First Tattoo Donations)
Everyday people are dying in hospitals worldwide while waiting for a donor organ.
But the problem is that there are not enough donor organs.

(Photo: free picture Pixabay)
With the future Tattoo Donor Foundation this problem can be solved for ever…...

For Ever.!
In the beginning the reading of this article sounds a little bit weird….but the more you think about this project….you'll find out that it is going to work perfect….! If you have any questions or remarks…..please...don't hesitate to ask me.

Thank you for your precious time…….hope to speak you soon…..Martin Cuijpers.....(Tattoo Donor)”

(Photo: free photo Wikimedia Commons)

To be continued……...I hope…..
(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

(First time published 28-7-2019)
By the new email adress is 


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