Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode)

 ____Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode)____

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Dave Gahan is the leadinger of the group Depeche Mode. 
Since 1980.

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Fore sure Dave loves Tattoos, On his upper arm he has a big cross with green lines. A purple eye is seen at the junction of the cross. Above his elbow he has another Tattoo with a cross with points....one of the points is pierching a heart. At the same time it looks that the heart is covered with black flames.            The meaning of this last Tattoo is:  The burning sacred heart of Jesus. The cross piercing the burning heart is all about the religion vieuws of Dave Gahan.

The cross with the green lines presents a Celtic cross.

Dave has even got his back Tattooed.

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Anyhow sufficient Tattoos for an eventually donation to Charity......so here I come with a request to Dave Gahan:

"Hello Dave Gahan....I have seen on the internet that you are a fan of Tattoos.                                   Since I have invented the first Tattoo Donor Card in the world people know that it is possible to donate their Tattoos to Charity.    Could you...please...read my article "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"           In the Blogger tattoodonor.com

It would be a great honour when you concider to donate one of your Tattoos to Charity...or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.

Thank you so much for your time....have a nice day....Martin Cuijpers (Tattoo Donor)"

Link YouTube: Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (Official Video) - https://youtu.be/aGSKrC7dGcY

During in a life concert in Bilbao.......

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

First time published 12-1-2023

By the way...my new email adress is tattoodonor@gmail.com


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