Norah Jones

 ____Norah Jones____

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

Norah Jones is an American singer, songwriter and  pianist.

(Photo: free picture Flickr)

Norah has a Tattoo on her back....

So I´m going to write to her with the request to donate her tattoo to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.....

"Good morning Norah Jones.....How are you doing...?

On the internet I´ve seen that you have a back-tattoo and want to ask you if you are aware of the existing of my Tattoo Donor project. Nowadays it is possible to donate your tattoo to Charity or to the future Tattoo Donor Foundation.

Could you please read the article: "Tattoo Donor for Donor Organs"....?

In the Blogger:

(before First Tattoo Donations)

One of the main goals of the Tattoo Donor Foundation is to grow at large scale new skin for people with burns. It is possible to grow new skin in laboraties in the so called petri dishes.

(Foto: gratis foto Flickr)

If you have some questions or doubts....please don´t hesitate and contact me...

Have a nice day, Martin Cuijpers  (Tattoo Donor)"

Published 16-8-2023

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)

On the background you notice a photo of Norah for the Strarlight festival. In summer 2023 in Marbella.

As this photo down with the publicity for Strarlight....

(Photo: Tattoo Donor / Martin Cuijpers)

This next photo is taken at the event Farm Aid.....How lovely would it be as Norah Jones could perform in the future Tattoo Donor Aid....hahahaha.....!!!

(Photo: free picture Wikimedia Commons)

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